
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

It is with faithful giving through tithes, offerings and donations that Christwalk International Ministries is able to fulfill the call of sharing the redeeming love of Jesus Christ around the globe.  If you would like to support Christwalk financially, you can give one of three ways:  in-person, by mail, or online.  Your faithful support will allow us to continue to equip disciples and reach unlimited souls for  the storehouse.    Thank you!

Ways To Give

Give Online

Online giving can be done as a recurring or one-time gift using the link to the right.  There is a processing fee for online giving that can be added to your gift.

Give In Person

If you prefer to give in person, cash  or checks can be accepted.
Make checks payable to Christwalk.

Mail A Check

Checks can be made payable to Christwalk.
Mail to:
255 Deer Haven
Clarkesville, GA  30523