Upside-down church
The definition of insanity is: "doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result." We believe that in the church, insanity is doing things unlike Jesus and expecting a Christ-like result. With that being said, we are excited to share the idea of "Upside-Down Church" with you.
We are currently implementing this format, in all manors, at Christwalk Millersburg as well as with Walk it Out Student Ministries @ Christwalk Cornelia.
What is "Upside-Down Church"?
Imagine going to church twice each month to be taught the truth of the Bible, meeting in a small group once each month and then taking a Sunday to go outside the church walls and do hands-on ministry throughout the community.
We have taken the traditional Sunday Church Service and tried to mold our ministry to be more like what Jesus did with his disciples. He taught in the temple, discipled His close twelve and then went out in the villages, markets and smaller towns to minister to those who were sick, hungry and hurting. We teach the Bible and then put it into action through local outreach projects.
We are currently implementing this format, in all manors, at Christwalk Millersburg as well as with Walk it Out Student Ministries @ Christwalk Cornelia.
What is "Upside-Down Church"?
Imagine going to church twice each month to be taught the truth of the Bible, meeting in a small group once each month and then taking a Sunday to go outside the church walls and do hands-on ministry throughout the community.
We have taken the traditional Sunday Church Service and tried to mold our ministry to be more like what Jesus did with his disciples. He taught in the temple, discipled His close twelve and then went out in the villages, markets and smaller towns to minister to those who were sick, hungry and hurting. We teach the Bible and then put it into action through local outreach projects.