More Than a Relay Race

It’s More Than A Relay Race To Me Now
By Pastor Chip Woodall
Ever since I was a kid, the thought of a relay race would excite me. Back then, I think it was the competition between teams and the thrill of knowing your group might be faster and more capable of good handed-eye coordination to win the race. I loved being in a gym or on a field to pass something along from one person or group to another. The challenge of using any object like a baton created a sense of excitement in me. The game was always “on” back then, and I recently realized it still is “on!”
As an adult, I still love to participate or watch relay races. Now, it is for the joy of coming up with creative objects to use in a relay that will challenge kids and get them focused enough to finish the race strong, no matter if they win or lose. It also is a great tool to lead into conversations about the Word of God and the Gospel Message.
When you think about it, a relay race is a good discipleship tool for ministry. Through balls, spoons and various other objects, we can teach others that passing something along to the next person is what we should do with the gospel message. Teach the plan of salvation, run with it while keeping your eyes on Jesus, be consistent not to drop it and stay in the game so you can pass the message on to the next person carefully. Together, everyone wins because consistency in this game can lead them right to Jesus, the object that gets passed along.
Last week in Killbuck, Ohio, the ministry team I was with played various games with the children who attended the camp. Hands down my favorite games were the relays. It was awesome to watch one team challenge another team and kids who argue and fuss on the streets come together in unity to make the whole team stronger. This is the church in its best form, at its finest hour.
We have two more opportunities to run relay races this summer in Killbuck. It is interesting to me that what once was a childhood pastime is now a very important step in pulling kids together to build lasting relationships intertwined with the gospel. It is no longer just a game for me, it is passing Jesus along from one person to the next. Consider running in a relay race sometime soon. You might be surprised how easily you can pass the object lesson on to the next person. Hey… your team might even win!
By Pastor Chip Woodall
Ever since I was a kid, the thought of a relay race would excite me. Back then, I think it was the competition between teams and the thrill of knowing your group might be faster and more capable of good handed-eye coordination to win the race. I loved being in a gym or on a field to pass something along from one person or group to another. The challenge of using any object like a baton created a sense of excitement in me. The game was always “on” back then, and I recently realized it still is “on!”
As an adult, I still love to participate or watch relay races. Now, it is for the joy of coming up with creative objects to use in a relay that will challenge kids and get them focused enough to finish the race strong, no matter if they win or lose. It also is a great tool to lead into conversations about the Word of God and the Gospel Message.
When you think about it, a relay race is a good discipleship tool for ministry. Through balls, spoons and various other objects, we can teach others that passing something along to the next person is what we should do with the gospel message. Teach the plan of salvation, run with it while keeping your eyes on Jesus, be consistent not to drop it and stay in the game so you can pass the message on to the next person carefully. Together, everyone wins because consistency in this game can lead them right to Jesus, the object that gets passed along.
Last week in Killbuck, Ohio, the ministry team I was with played various games with the children who attended the camp. Hands down my favorite games were the relays. It was awesome to watch one team challenge another team and kids who argue and fuss on the streets come together in unity to make the whole team stronger. This is the church in its best form, at its finest hour.
We have two more opportunities to run relay races this summer in Killbuck. It is interesting to me that what once was a childhood pastime is now a very important step in pulling kids together to build lasting relationships intertwined with the gospel. It is no longer just a game for me, it is passing Jesus along from one person to the next. Consider running in a relay race sometime soon. You might be surprised how easily you can pass the object lesson on to the next person. Hey… your team might even win!

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