Praying From The Seated Position…Swinging On The Playground

Praying From The Seated Position…Swinging On The Playground

By Pastor Chip Woodall

Have you ever taken on a project that you felt confident you could do but some how in the middle of completion, everything started falling apart? One of our Christwalk Mission Teams is currently in Killbuck, Ohio doing a ministry project for the elementary school and hosting the second community day camp in the afternoon. The week has been action packed with 16 awesome kids from Killbuck Village coming to the camp and several projects being completed for the school in the morning. One project in particular includes a commercial swing set that their PTO purchased before Covid hit and now needs assembly and a secured position on the playground. Well, Christwalk to the rescue because we love a work project that will help kids and families in any community.

Everything seemed to be going as planned until our cement guy in Ohio could not work his schedule to be with us during our project time. This meant renting an excavator for digging, doing lots of measurements, framing cement around (12) heavy legs and leveling the entire structure. In our own strength on Tuesday evening, we left the playground feeling frustrated and slightly defeated. The digging made the playground look like a disaster zone and the holes were unevenly filled with very hard dirt and pea gravel that would fall in from the top surface.

On Wednesday morning, I realized we needed to pray from our seated position of authority and power. Using scripture from Ephesians chapters one and two, we joined our faith together. Our team prayed out loud with faith, trusting God to intervene and help us miraculously secure the structure in His strength. We had to walk wisely, quoting Ephesians chapter four and five, and also stand against the enemy for anything he might attempt during the work day to throw us off again. We ended our prayer standing on Psalm 91, under His protection. And at this time, I am happy to report the structure is nearly secured in the ground and it has all come together in less than three hours.

Currently, as I sit under a pavilion on the playground, I am writing this blog to share not only an example of how prayer delivers
finished results but also the faithfulness of God’s Word. This morning our missions team was tired and frustrated from yesterday’s outcome. After praying from the seated position of authority, walking wisely with the word and standing in our position again at the enemy, we have a very large swing set ready for kids at Killbuck Elementary.

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