Give Me The Bloody Gospel, Not Buttered Popcorn And A Coke

Give me the Bloody Gospel, Not Buttered Popcorn and a Coke

By Pastor Chip Woodall

For years now,  I have witnessed ministry groups try every tactic known to humanity to lure lost souls into the Fold. Men’s ministry hosts Wild Game Nights or a Rib-eye Supper, using the appetite to gather the male gender. Women’s ministry hosts a Tea, hoping to present a variety of China and wide brimmed hats to lure in every woman and her friend. Children’s ministry presents Wild and Wacky Wet Night and calls the local fire station to soak the kids and all the neighbors’ yards within two blocks. All of which usually will draw people in and that is the church methodology used to win souls today. Sneak them in the back door and get them saved, so they can drown in deeper water tomorrow. But, hey! We can record 25 more salvations to report to our denominational offices that we now call headquarters. Discipleship never really takes place for those who were hopefully regenerated on the year end report.

Over the years, I too have been guilty of using the same creative themes, illustrated messages and secular maneuvers, hoping to draw the world into the gospel. How about counting inflated salvation numbers from the cattle-call salvations from VBS and whatever we now call Revival! Inflated because you know good and well many of those proclaiming salvation were not truly saved, but it sounded good for year end reports and a certain emotional encounter did seem to present itself.

Please do not misunderstand and get offended over this blog, as I stated that I have done the same things over the years, but as I grow older and continue ministry longer, I find myself having more honest conversations with the Lord about what I am doing to truly share the gospel. I am not becoming an old, grumpy pastor, refusing to have any fun, I am just reflecting on the Word and using it as a measurement for effective ministry. I am not pretending to have it all figured out either. I am simply writing this blog to make sure we are being led by the Holy Spirit and not repeating past church calendars or other people’s church events, while desperately trying to meet a certain quota of salvations for the month or end of the year.

It used to be donuts and coffee or juice before Sunday School. Now, we have cancelled Sunday School and have replaced the space with Expresso Shops in our church lobbies. If that does not please your taste buds, we might even serve hot, buttered popcorn with a coke and show movie clips in our sermons to catch your attention and help relax the sanctuary. My goodness, what are we doing?

In Luke, chapter five, there was no creative theme or need for a fire truck as Jesus explained how they would see souls saved. Although what happened did take place at the lake and involved a miraculous catch of fish. The next to last verse in the passage tells it all very clearly:

“and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”

I understand that we have to be creative to get people’s attention. However, if a church is truly on fire, the Holy Spirit will draw in those God intends to save and probably will use us in some way.

All of this is best summed up by a verse from Revelation 12:11: “…And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” No buttered popcorn needed, just a powerful testimony backed up by the bloody gospel story.

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